Sunday, 7 April 2013

Hawkes Bay to Woodville

After a few days rest it was finally time to leave, as the weather would be turning bad in 3 days and we wanted to reach Wellington before it hit.

The first leg of the journey was a hard one, as our muscles were stuck in a deep sleep. Even the little hills posed a challenge. It could have been due to the hot sun beating down on us or perhaps we hadn't fully recovered. Anyhow we continued onwards and eventually warmed up to our normally cruising speed.

About two hours in we came to a herd of cows blocking the road and the way forward, it was a typical Kiwi situation were the farmer being lazy decided to stop for lunch half way in between moving the cows from paddock A to paddock B. As we approached closer one of the cows spotted us and started to get a bit spooked, then within seconds he turned away from us and began running. Now seeing as we're huge scary creatures this then triggered all the other cows to start running as well. This ended up working out good for us as the road was no longer blocked and a few minutes later we had herded the cows down into the other paddock and were back on our way.

The roads between Havelock north and Featherston were probably some of the most boring roads in New Zealand, as the whole way it was just flat farm land after flat farm land. However some of the mountain ranges to the side of the road were pretty nice to look at but it still drained our souls tediously peddling the long straights.

Before we had left that morning we hydrated up skulling back 2 litres of water each! Now it was about 1pm and we had stop to watch this stunt pilot flip about in his little plane. Next I decided to walk over to a fence to take a leak!! HAhah and to may surprise it actually ended up being an electric fence!! a bloody powerful one as well.... Good thing I was tired because after that I had a huge adrenaline rush and well yeah I'm pretty sure you can guess how much it hurts to have current flow from your genitals down to the ground........

Seeing as it was a really hot day, when we got to Dannevirke we couldn't not buy some softserves, even though I hate to support fast food, the soft serves were pretty good! Now on the way out these young gutter rats (young kids with no manners) were talking so much shit and trying way to hard to be cool, personally I think there's few things worst that one could do to there image then dress up as Justin Bieber and ride around on a scooter.It does take skill to do back flips and tricks on one of those batty  things but I just can't face polluting our page with gayness!! Sorry kids but I can't put your scooter videos up. One of the kids was pretty cool though and made scootering look pretty skill full!

So the day started to get pretty late and we were really starting to feel it!

Yet we still carried on and made it to woodville, There we located a local campsite that costed $10 which was alright as it had a shower.

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